
How Can Cosmetic Dentistry Help Teeth Damaged By Bruxism?

Dentist Blog

Has bruxism left your teeth worn and broken? Are you tired of struggling to eat, speak and smile comfortably because of bruxism-induced damage? Then consider exploring the various benefits offered by cosmetic dentistry. A good cosmetic dentist can restore your teeth to their former condition in a variety of ways. Restore Length The most common problem related to bruxism is shortened teeth. Because bruxism forces teeth together throughout the night with much stronger force than a person uses while chewing their food, those teeth gradually shorten.

29 May 2020

Why You May Need A Root Canal Treatment

Dentist Blog

Australia has some alarming rates of dental decay among children and adults. On average, Australians over the age of 15 have at least 12.8 teeth missing, filled or decayed. Tooth damage and loss can have devastating effects on both a person's physical well-being and self-esteem. Therefore, it is imperative to confront dental troubles head-on in order to allow swift action to prevent worst-case scenarios. One of the ways of correcting tooth damage caused by decay or a cavity is a root canal treatment.

26 May 2020

Why You Should Always Go See Your Dentist About Gingivitis

Dentist Blog

Gingivitis is a common dental affliction that affects millions of people every year. While it may seem uncomfortable, many people choose to wait it out rather than go and get it checked out by a dentist for one reason or another. The truth of the matter is that gingivitis can be the first step in an excruciating process if it is not treated straight away. Sometimes gingivitis does get better on its own, but you never want to take the risk of the infection getting deeper.

22 May 2020

Top Benefits of Dental Bridges Over Dental Implants

Dentist Blog

Losing a couple of teeth can be devastating, especially if you are conscious about your look, particularly your smile. Thanks to advancements in dental technology, dentists can effectively close gaps created by missing teeth with either dental bridges or dental implants. Dental bridges — also referred to as false teeth or pontic — are a great option if you are looking to restore your smile after losing several teeth. This article provides insight into the benefits of dental bridges over dental implants.

21 May 2020

5 Reasons to Choose Sleep Dentistry

Dentist Blog

Sleep dentistry, or sedation dentistry, is a good alternative for patients that aren't comfortable with dental treatment. And if you are one of those people, don't worry, you are far from alone. Around one in seven Australian adults are terrified of going to the dentist for treatment! But is dental fear the only reason you might choose sleep dentistry over general dentistry when visiting your dentist? There are several reasons why someone might choose sleep dentistry.

11 May 2020

How to Use Onion to Relieve Toothache

Dentist Blog

If you have a toothache at night or at the weekend, then a quick visit to your dentist isn't going to be possible. If your pain isn't bad enough for an emergency appointment, you may need to grin and bear it for a while. While taking painkillers may help, a persistent toothache will cut through analgesics. However, you may have something in your home that can help reduce your pain. For example, if you have a spare onion, then this could help.

21 April 2020

What Not to Do When You Have a Gum Injury

Dentist Blog

Gum trauma comes in many forms. You might floss a little too hard, resulting in discomfort and a small amount of bleeding. This is not generally anything to be concerned about. But what about when the trauma is more serious? When you've had an accident that has caused a bleeding laceration on your gums, there are some things you should never do. Don't Try to Stop the Bleeding with Paper

14 April 2020

Which Type of Custom Braces is Ideal For You?

Dentist Blog

Gone are the days when dental issues like overbites, underbites and crooked or crowded teeth gave people sleepless nights. Technology has made it possible for people to access braces and retainers that help them to correct these dental problems. All you have to do is visit a qualified and reliable dentist or orthodontist, and you will be examined before the custom braces are provided. However, custom braces come in different forms, and it's essential to know the available options before visiting an orthodontist.

8 April 2020

Two reasons why your dentist might inquire about your mental health

Dentist Blog

Whilst dentists are not therapists and are not qualified to diagnose or treat mental health conditions, they may occasionally enquire about their patients' mental health. Below are some examples of the reasons why they sometimes do this. They have noticed signs of bruxism in the patient's teeth If a dentist observes that one of their patients has several clinical signs of bruxism (such as teeth that look like they have been ground down to the extent where much of their enamel is gone), then they might ask that patient if they have a mental illness like anxiety.

7 April 2020

Three Reasons Why You Should Not Tackle Tooth Whitening At Home

Dentist Blog

The year 2020 is shaping up to be one for the history books with the Australian Prime Minister advising that some form of physical distancing measures could be in place for up to six months due to the Coronavirus pandemic. General medical and dental appointments are postponed while everyone in the population adjusts to new rules regarding how close people can gather. However, when your annual tooth whitening appointment is postponed due to current conditions, it is not a great idea to turn to at-home options instead and here are three reasons why.

7 April 2020