Preparing for Your Next Trip to the Dentist

With a little preparation, you can make sure that you get much more from your next trip to the dentist. Your local dentist doesn't just check on the health of your teeth, they can also offer many other treatments. This website is designed to bring up the best info possible about the range of treatments a dental professional can offer you. We will be looking at dentures, tartar removal, tooth replacement and much more. While no one who contributes to this site is a trained dentist, everyone is extremely interested in researching and writing about this topic. Thank you for checking out this site.

5 Ways of Dealing with Dental Pain

Dentist Blog

Dental pain can be an excruciating experience. Finding relief can be challenging whether you have a toothache, an abscessed tooth, or another dental issue. The article details five ways you can deal with dental pain whenever it strikes.

1. Take ibuprofen to reduce inflammation and pain

One of the quickest ways to relieve some of the discomfort caused by dental pain is to pop some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like ibuprofen. Ibuprofen can reduce swelling, resulting in less pressure on nearby teeth or gums, plus it can help ease any pain you are experiencing. It will help if you continue taking analgesics until your symptoms disappear entirely.

2. Rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution

Sodium chloride, better known as plain table salt, is a handy tool for treating dental pain. What you need to do is mix a pinch of salt in a full glass of warm water and use this solution to wash your mouth out. Keep rinsing for a little while and then spit it out. Saltwater will help reduce pain and start killing off any bacteria that may be present in the area, which will help you recover more quickly.

3. Put ice on the area to reduce pain and swelling

One of the quickest ways to relieve dental pain is by using an ice pack or commercial cold pack to numb the afflicted area. You should apply an ice pack or commercial cold pack for a few minutes at a time, every few hours. You should wrap the ice pack in a towel to protect your skin and be sure not to leave it on for longer than this because you can do more harm than good if you leave a cold pack on for too long.

4. Use a topical analgesic 

Topical analgesics will help reduce nerve sensitivity in the afflicted area, often resulting in some serious pain relief. While your symptoms may not go away completely, using these types of products can make dental pain much more manageable.

5. Book an appointment with your dentist

While the above remedies will help provide some pain relief, they aren't permanent solutions to dental pain. If, after trying the above remedies, you find that your pain is still unbearable or getting worse instead of better, you should set up an appointment with a dentist so they can provide further treatment.

Contact your dentist today for more info.  


28 January 2022