Preparing for Your Next Trip to the Dentist

With a little preparation, you can make sure that you get much more from your next trip to the dentist. Your local dentist doesn't just check on the health of your teeth, they can also offer many other treatments. This website is designed to bring up the best info possible about the range of treatments a dental professional can offer you. We will be looking at dentures, tartar removal, tooth replacement and much more. While no one who contributes to this site is a trained dentist, everyone is extremely interested in researching and writing about this topic. Thank you for checking out this site.

Three Common Dental Emergencies Explained

Dentist Blog

Dental emergencies can be extremely stressful, especially if your teeth are painful or you're travelling and can't see your usual dentist. However, visiting a dentist as soon as possible can provide relief and peace of mind. This guide explains three of the most common dental emergencies and what you should do about them.

A Dental Abscess

A dental abscess is one of the most unpleasant and painful dental emergencies. It is a bacterial infection that can form inside a tooth or gum, causing a variety of symptoms from throbbing pain, painful gums, ear and jaw pain and even bad breath. The infection that causes it can easily spread, so it's important to get an abscess treated. The only way to treat an abscess is to visit an emergency dentist as soon as possible so that they can drain the pus and deal with the root cause of the infection. In the meantime, you might want to take over-the-counter pain medication and apply a heating pad to your face.

A Knocked-Out Tooth

Many people don't know that a permanent tooth can survive being knocked out, but this is sometimes the case. The NHS explains the first steps you should take if your tooth has been knocked out, explaining you should pick up the tooth (but not by the root), clean it and try to put it back in the gum. If it won't, put it in milk or saliva. You should then get to an emergency dentist as quickly as possible, as the quicker you go, the more likely it is that the tooth can be saved. If it can't be saved, you will need to see your regular dentist to discuss your options.


Toothache isn't always an emergency, but there are situations in which it might require emergency dentistry. If your toothache has been going on for more than a couple of days or seems to be getting worse, you should see an emergency dentist. You should also visit the dentist if there's a strange taste or smell around your mouth, as it could indicate an infection. Finally, if your tooth pain is worse when you press on the tooth, a visit to the emergency dentist is essential as this could be a sign of severe decay or a crack.

Whether you suspect an abscess, have knocked a tooth out or have a persistent toothache, it's important to stay calm and call an emergency dentist for an appointment. An emergency dentist can provide more information. 


14 October 2021