Preparing for Your Next Trip to the Dentist

With a little preparation, you can make sure that you get much more from your next trip to the dentist. Your local dentist doesn't just check on the health of your teeth, they can also offer many other treatments. This website is designed to bring up the best info possible about the range of treatments a dental professional can offer you. We will be looking at dentures, tartar removal, tooth replacement and much more. While no one who contributes to this site is a trained dentist, everyone is extremely interested in researching and writing about this topic. Thank you for checking out this site.

When Should You Use an Emergency Dental Service?

Dentist Blog

Most dental problems are safe to leave until you can schedule an appointment with your family dentist, but there are some situations in which you need treatment right away. If you experience any of the following problems, do not hesitate to contact an emergency dental service.

1. When You Have a Facial Injury That Affects Your Teeth

If you have been in a car accident, a fight, or have a sporting injury that affects your teeth, you should schedule an emergency dental appointment right away. If one of your teeth has been knocked out, pick it up by the crown (not the root), put it in a glass of milk or water, and bring it to your emergency appointment. If you can keep the tooth alive in this way, it might be possible for the dentist to reseat it in the gum.

2. When You Think You Might Have an Infection

Ignoring a dental infection leads to a risk of it spreading to other parts of the body, where it could cause serious damage or even death. If you have signs of a dental infection, then it is very important to visit a dentist as soon as you can. If your regular family dentist is not available, then contact an emergency dentist.

The main symptoms of infection are pain that increases and cannot be controlled by over the counter medication, severe swelling, and redness in the gums. Sometimes, you might also notice a milky discharge called pus coming from your gum. Pus tastes bitter and unpleasant and could be a sign that an abscess has burst in your mouth.

An emergency dentist can prescribe antibiotics to treat an infection and prevent it from spreading or getting any worse. They can also remove an infected tooth, safely lance an abscess, or provide other treatments to address the source of the infection.

3. When You Have Severe Pain

Toothache is always terrible, but in most cases it can be controlled by taking pain medication, pressing an ice pack against your cheek, eating soft foods, and being careful when brushing your teeth. However, if your pain is so severe that these self-care tips do not help, you need to seek dental care as soon as possible, as you could be suffering from an infection or severe decay. Contact an emergency dental service so you can address your pain and get the treatment you need quickly.


26 October 2020