Preparing for Your Next Trip to the Dentist

With a little preparation, you can make sure that you get much more from your next trip to the dentist. Your local dentist doesn't just check on the health of your teeth, they can also offer many other treatments. This website is designed to bring up the best info possible about the range of treatments a dental professional can offer you. We will be looking at dentures, tartar removal, tooth replacement and much more. While no one who contributes to this site is a trained dentist, everyone is extremely interested in researching and writing about this topic. Thank you for checking out this site.

What Should You Do After Knocking Your Tooth Out?

Dentist Blog

When you suffer tooth trauma like a knocked-out tooth, acting fast is essential. First, reach out to your emergency dentistry provider and let them know you need help straight away. Depending on your location and your emergency dentist's availability, you'll have anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours in which you need to manage the situation yourself. Read on to learn a simple and easy-to-remember protocol for handling your knocked-out tooth until you reach your dentist's office. There are the four rules for traumatic tooth loss.

Rinse the Tooth Socket

Your tooth socket is likely quite bloody following such a traumatic tooth loss, so it's fine to gently rinse your mouth with water. Extreme temperatures can cause serious pain right now, so stick with room temperature water. Avoid using any type of mouthwash or toothpaste, and never scrub at the socket to clean it. 

Reclaim Your Tooth

Take your knocked-out tooth, touching only the crown (the white part). Rinse your tooth in room temperature water while holding it by the crown, taking extra care to clean any dirt from the roots. As with cleaning your tooth socket, never use anything but water on your loose tooth.

Replace Your Tooth

It might sound odd, but the best thing you can do to preserve your tooth is fitting it back into the socket as soon as it's clean. This helps your tooth roots stay healthy for the short period while you're travelling to your emergency dentistry provider. Of course, there may be some situations in which it's difficult to place the tooth back in its spot. If you can't keep the tooth in place with your tongue while keeping your mouth closed, try using a clean cloth to gently stabilise the tooth and hold it in place manually. Should all else fail, you can place your tooth in a glass of milk, making sure it's entirely covered, to keep it moisturised and healthy until you reach the dentist. 

Restore Full Tooth Function With Your Emergency Dentist's Help

Once you reach the emergency dentist, they'll gently examine your mouth and then determine whether permanent tooth reimplantation is possible. Often, your dentist can restore full tooth function if you've arrived quickly enough. The best chance of reimplantation is within the 30-minute window immediately after the tooth is knocked out. But, if you don't arrive at the dentist within that period, bring your tooth along nonetheless. As long as you've preserved it properly, it's still possible to save the tooth. 

When you're faced with a knocked-out tooth, keep the four rules above in mind to have the best chance of keeping your smile intact. Contact your dentist now to learn more about saving a tooth after trauma.


30 March 2020