Preparing for Your Next Trip to the Dentist

With a little preparation, you can make sure that you get much more from your next trip to the dentist. Your local dentist doesn't just check on the health of your teeth, they can also offer many other treatments. This website is designed to bring up the best info possible about the range of treatments a dental professional can offer you. We will be looking at dentures, tartar removal, tooth replacement and much more. While no one who contributes to this site is a trained dentist, everyone is extremely interested in researching and writing about this topic. Thank you for checking out this site.

Tips for Tackling Bad Breath

Dentist Blog

Bad breath, which dentists call halitosis, is an embarrassing problem that many people struggle with. If your friends, family and colleagues are keeping their distance, try these tips to tackle your bad breath so you can regain your confidence.

1. Change Your Diet

It's no secret that certain foods can give your breath a strong smell. Garlic is a common culprit, but other foods, including raw onions, coffee and fenugreek can also leave a lingering odour on your breath. Cut down your consumption of these foods for a few days to see if your bad breath improves.

2. Stop Smoking

In addition to leaving a lingering tobacco smell on your breath, smoking also puts you at high risk of gum disease, which is a leading cause of bad breath. Kicking the habit not only leaves your mouth feeling fresher, but it also reduces your long-term risk of developing oral health problems.

3. Brush and Floss Daily

Your toothbrush and floss are your best weapons in the struggle against smelly breath. Brushing every morning and evening removes plaque and traces of food from the fronts, backs and chewing surfaces of the teeth. Flossing removes plaque from the gaps between teeth that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush. Don't forget to brush your tongue!

4. Treat Gum Disease

If your bad breath has no obvious cause, you might already be suffering from gum disease. Other common signs of this condition are tender, bright red gums that bleed or hurt when you brush or floss your teeth. If you think you might have gum disease, you need to schedule an appointment with a dentist so you can get appropriate treatment.

5. Fix Dry Mouth

Saliva naturally has bacteria-fighting properties. If your mouth is dry, you might not be able to make enough saliva to limit the growth of the bacteria that cause bad breath. Certain medications, including some anti-depressants, can trigger dry mouth. You can combat this side effect by chewing on sugar-free gum to stimulate the salivary glands. Be sure to also stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, so your body has the fluids it needs to produce the saliva you need.

6. Treat Acid Reflux

Sometimes, the cause of bad breath is in your stomach rather than your mouth. Acid reflux can cause smelly stomach acid to regurgitate into the back of your throat, leading to bad breath. See a doctor for medications and lifestyle advice to treat acid reflux.


20 March 2020