Preparing for Your Next Trip to the Dentist

With a little preparation, you can make sure that you get much more from your next trip to the dentist. Your local dentist doesn't just check on the health of your teeth, they can also offer many other treatments. This website is designed to bring up the best info possible about the range of treatments a dental professional can offer you. We will be looking at dentures, tartar removal, tooth replacement and much more. While no one who contributes to this site is a trained dentist, everyone is extremely interested in researching and writing about this topic. Thank you for checking out this site.

Warped Dentures? What You Need to Know

Dentist Blog

Occasional denture maintenance is necessary so that the base plate maintains an appropriate fit. This is known as relining and involves applying a thin layer of acrylic resin to the base plate, which reflects the gradual changes to the shape of your jaw over the years. But what about when the shape of your dentures is causing this poor fit? What if it's completely unrelated to any natural changes that have occurred in your jaw?

A Bad Fit

Warped dentures are poorly fitting dentures, and they can be both uncomfortable and inefficient. The pressure points of the base plate as they press against the tissues inside your mouth will have shifted, however minutely. This minor change can result in irritation and even the development of sores. The positioning of the prosthetic teeth attached to the base plate will likewise have been altered. While this change is barely perceptible, the misalignment of these prosthetic teeth can cause them to exert pressure on the neighbouring natural teeth. Instead of neatly fitting into the gap, the prosthetic teeth will rub against their neighbours, causing excessive wear. How can dentures actually warp?

The Role of Moisture

Dentures that warp have generally been affected by moisture, as in the absence of it, or its temperature. If you're in the habit of forgetting to soak your dentures overnight, they can dry out to the point that their overall shape will warp. Even though this change will be difficult to see, you will notice it when your dentures are in your mouth. Of course, if the dentures happened to be in direct sunlight, then any warping can be more severe. If dentures are soaked in hot water, the elevated temperature can result in distortion of the base plate. Again, it's difficult to see any changes, but you will feel this change when your dentures are placed inside your mouth. But what can you do if your dentures have been affected in this way?

What Needs to Happen

Do not deliberately place your dentures in hot water before placing them in your mouth in an effort to reshape them. They are not like a silicone mouthguard, designed to be customised with heat, and you will end up causing further warping. You will need to have your dentures assessed, and ideally, your dentist will be able to reshape them. If you delay too long, and the warping becomes more pronounced, your dentures might require a total replacement.

In short, please be careful about how and where you store your dentures when they're not in your mouth, and be sure to have any suspected warping professionally inspected.


18 March 2020